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drug proceeds中文是什么意思

用"drug proceeds"造句"drug proceeds"怎么读"drug proceeds" in a sentence


  • 贩毒得益


  • They can seize drug proceeds but can ' t hold them . how frustrating is that
  • They are a facilitator of crime , with millions of dollars of drug proceeds laundered at darkened pokie dens , and with problem gamblers stealing from employers and family to feed their addiction
  • They are a facilitator of crime , with millions of dollars of drug proceeds laundered at darkened pokie dens , and with problem gamblers stealing from employers and family to feed their addiction
  • A confiscation order in the amount of $ 1 . 69 million of drug proceeds was issued against him in december 2001 by which a quantity of valuable watches , jewellery , cash and some financial documents were seized at the residence of his wife
用"drug proceeds"造句  
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